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2024-09-27 15:15:10



(1)迎国庆,我无限感慨百感交集。远大的理想要实现,现在就要发奋读书、努力学习,将来成为栋梁之才报答祖国,报答老师,服务人民。 I have mixed feelings towards the national day, infinite emotion. In order to realize the lofty ideal, to study hard, study hard now, become a man of tremendous promise to repay the motherland, the future to repay teacher, serving the people.

(2)迎国庆,我心浪起伏,思潮滚滚。我长大后,一定要当科学家,发明出一代又一代新的产品,让人们减轻生活负担,促进祖国高科技发展,让我国处于地位,给祖国,给世界一个新的答谢,让老师的汗水不白流,不白费。 Welcome national day, my heart waves, thoughts rolling. When I grow up, to become a scientist, invented a generation of new products, let people reduce the burden, promote the development of high-tech country, make our country in a leading position, to the motherland, to the world a new appreciation, let the teacher sweat not in vain, not in vain.

(3)祖国日渐强大,日渐辉煌。给我肤色的祖国,给我智慧与胆略的祖国,有改革的浪潮迭起,冲破旧的束搏,迎来新世纪磅礴的日出!东方巨人,他,站起来了! The motherland is becoming stronger and stronger. Give me the color of the motherland, give me wisdom and courage of the motherland, a wave of reform repeatedly, to break through the old beam pump, sunrise majestic new century! The Oriental giant, he, stood up!


Does National Day on October 1 whats all this about then? On Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference the first National Committee first time convention, Xu Guang Ping makes a speech saying: The Ma Xu Lun member asks for leave being able to not come , he asks come to say PRCs be founded, should have National Day , is National Day therefore hoping capital may decide to fix October 1 me. Mao Zedong said we should assume one proposal , being decided by the government to government suggestion . Central authority People Government passes resolution about PRC National Day on October 2 , 1949, stipulates October 1 every year to be National Day , is and the day declaring that PRC is founded with this day.

10 月 1 日国庆节是怎么回事? 在中国人民政治协商会议第一次全国委员会第一次会议上,徐光平发表讲话说:“马旭伦委员请假不能来,他要求来说中华人民共和国成立,应该有国庆节 ,是国庆所以希望首都可以决定把10月1日”。 毛主席说我们应该承担一个提案,由政府决定对政府的建议。中央人民政府于1949年10月2日通过《中华人民共和国国庆决议》,规定每年10月1日为国庆日,是和 宣布中华人民共和国成立的日子。

